From: Thomas Goreau <goreau@bestweb.net>

Date: February 11, 2009 11:02:11 AM EST
To: coral-list coral-list <coral-list@coral.aoml.noaa.gov>

Coral Bleaching and Ocean Acidification

Ocean acidification has become the latest bandwagon fad to hit coral reefs, and is being claimed as a "shocking new revelation" that will kill reefs and dissolve the evidence. 

In fact there is nothing new about knowledge of the problem, all carbonate chemists have always known that CO2 is the major acid in the atmosphere and so its concentration controls the equilibrium pH of the ocean, along with the equilibrium with solid limestone minerals. More than 30 years ago at Harvard we would make undergraduate geochemistry students routinely calculate the equilibrium decline in ocean pH for doubling of CO2 as a homework problem! It is long known that periods in the past with no coral reefs or limestone sediments were caused by acidification, either due to higher atmospheric CO2, or more often, to changes in ocean circulation that resulted in CO2 build up in deep waters from decomposition of organic matter in anoxic basins. 

But the fact is that these changes take thousands of years to develop, because they depend on the circulation time of the ocean and reaction rates with deep sea sediments. The increase in direct surface temperature is a far more serious and immediate threat to reefs than acidification. Acidification will only dissolve the dead skeletons centuries to millenia after high temperatures kill the corals, so focusing on acidification amounts to a red herring and effectively ignores a far larger and more immediate problem.

Recently “Declining coral calcification on the Great Barrier Reef” (De'ath, Lough, Fabricius, 2009, SCIENCE, 2 January, p. 116) shows field data convincingly indicating a strong negative relationship between rising temperatures and coral growth rates, and attributes decreasing coral growth in the last two decades to declining ocean pH caused by rising atmospheric CO2. Major flaws with this hypothesis are not discussed.

1) Coral bleaching is never mentioned. Yet there have been many episodes of mass coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef in the last two decades, and these are accurately predicted from high sea surface temperatures (1, 2). Bleached corals stop skeletal growth (3) even if temperatures are not high enough to kill them. This is because coral calcification as a function of temperature has a temperature optimum that is only slightly below the bleaching and death thresholds (4).

2) Tropical surface waters are not in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2 due to the strong inverse relationship of CO2 solubility with temperature. As a result tropical surface oceans have partial pressures of CO2 above equilibrium with the atmosphere, and are a SOURCE, NOT A SINK, of atmospheric CO2 (5). CO2 dissolves in cold polar waters, where it takes about a thousand years to upwell back to surface waters. As a result of this natural ocean CO2 cycle, tropical surface waters will be the LAST part of the oceans where limestone becomes undersaturated. Furthermore calcium carbonates are anomalous minerals that become less soluble at high temperatures, not more soluble like almost all other minerals (6). Therefore the alarm about acidification effects on coral reefs is based on fundamental misunderstanding of the CO2 cycle in tropical surface waters. This is not to say that it is not an important long-term problem, but only that it is trivial compared to bleaching as a source of coral mortality and growth decline.

It is therefore likely that the decline in coral calcification reported in the Science paper is due to repeated temperatures above bleaching thresholds, which has happened increasingly in the past two decades (2), and that impacts of ocean acidity dissolving limestone will only take place long after the corals are directly killed by high temperature. 

There is no question that we need to stabilize CO2 at safe levels immediately because IPCC has seriously underestimated the sensitivity of temperature and sea level to CO2 as shown by the paleoclimatic record (7). But that is needed in order to take care of the immediate temperature problem, not the long term acidification, at least as far as coral reefs are concerned. 

If we take care of the CO2 stabilization in time to solve the bleaching problem, we will not only save coral reefs from mass extinction, we will automatically solve the ocean acidification problem. If we focus on solving the acidification problem first, it will come far too late to save coral reefs. 

1) T. J. Goreau, & R. L. Hayes, 1994, Coral bleaching and ocean "hot spots", Ambio, 23: 176-180 

2) T.J. Goreau, & R.L. Hayes, 2005, Global coral reef bleaching and sea surface temperature trends from satellite-derived Hotspot analysis, World Resource Review, 17: 254-293

3) T. J. Goreau & A. H. Macfarlane, 1990, Reduced growth rate of Montastrea annularis following the 1987-1988 coral bleaching event, Coral Reefs, 8: 211-215

4) C. Clausen, 1971, p. 246-269 in Experimental Coelenterate Biology, H. M. Lenhoff and L. Muscatine (Eds.), University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu

5) T. Takahashi, S. C. Sutherland, C. Sweeney, A. Poisson, N. Metzl, B. Tilbrook, N. Bates, R. Wanninkhof, R. A. Feely, C. Sabine, J. Olafsson, & Y. Nojiri, 2002, Global sea–air CO2 flux based on climatological surface ocean pCO2, and seasonal biological and temperature effects, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49: 1601-1622 

6) R. M. Garrels & C. R. Christ, 1965, Solutions, minerals, and equilibria, 450 p., Harper & Row, New York.

7) T. J. Goreau, 1990, Balancing Atmospheric CO2, Ambio, 19: 230-236


Thomas J. Goreau, PhD
President, Global Coral Reef Alliance
Coordinator, United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development Partnership in New Technologies for Small Island Developing States
37 Pleasant Street, Cambridge MA 02139