by tsarkisian | Jan 30, 2018
The lawsuit by Centro de Incidencia Ambiental (CIAM) against dredging that would damage coral reefs in front of the Panama Canal (based on GCRA reef surveys with the Galeta Marine Laboratory) was admitted by Panamanian Courts on 8 January 2018. This means that the...
by herrzoox | Sep 26, 2017
Before and After time-lapse series by Michael Duss showing spectacular coral growth on Biorock electric reefs in Curaçao. This video shows the coral development at our BioRock project in Curacao with the status September 2017. The video was created by the Curacao...
by tsarkisian | Oct 19, 2014
Asian Diver, 2014, Volume 131, Issue 2, Pages 70-79
by Tom Goreau | Jul 10, 2014
revised: July 10 2014 Biorock® Technology: Cost-effective solutions to major marine resource management problems including construction and repair, shore protection, ecological restoration, sustainable aquaculture, and climate change adaptation Thomas J. Goreau, PhD...
by herrzoox | Jul 7, 2014
The Economist – Turning oil rigs into reefs saves money and marine life. Yet many greens oppose it. Jun 14th 2014 | SANTA BARBARA WHEN an offshore well stops producing oil, what should be done with the rig? One option is to haul it ashore, break it up and...