by herrzoox | Jan 15, 2018
Panamanian environmental groups use Global Coral Reef Alliance study of healthy coral reef in front of the Panama Canal breakwater to try to save it from destruction by port development. La Prensa article December 28 2017 (Spanish) CIAM...
by Tom Goreau | Jan 14, 2018
Two new Global Coral Reef Alliance videos answer the question many people have: what happens in a hurricane? Here we show that Biorock reefs hit by the eye of three of the strongest Caribbean hurricanes, Hanna, Ike, and Irma, suffered almost no physical damage and...
by tsarkisian | Jan 12, 2018
Thomas J. Goreau Global Coral Reef Alliance, Cambridge, USA Email: Received 23 May 2014; revised 26 June 2014; accepted 5 July 2014 Copyright © 2014 by author and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons...
by Tom Goreau | Jan 4, 2018
Wind speeds and climate extremes are driven by atmosphere temperature and pressure differences, which are increasing due to global warming, because temperature differences between land and sea get greater with global warming. Here is the latest global sea surface...
by Tom Goreau | Jan 1, 2018
Comments on the following article: Regenerating soil and biomass carbon can reverse global climate change posted on the Soil Carbon Alliance website. Coral reefs are already the first victims, we exceeded the global bleaching temperature tipping point...