Global Coral Reef Alliance
Biorock Indonesia announces 2021 Scholar Reef program for Youth coral regeneration training Indonesia has the highest area and biodiversity of coral reefs in the world, and also has the most Biorock reef regeneration programs, thanks to Biorock Indonesia programs to train Indonesia's youth to grow back their coral...
Two new book chapters on Reversing Global Climate Change by Regenerating Ecosystem Services released before UN Climate Change Convention
Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance T. J. F. Goreau, 2020, Regenerating ecosystem services to meet United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in Natural Resources and Their Ecosystem Services, 2020, p. 2-15 in Volume 1, Natural Resources...
Biorock heals hurricane damaged Jamaican corals
Biorock heals hurricane damaged Jamaican corals October 31, 2021 Thomas J. F. Goreau Thomas P. Sarkisian Sharren Robinson Global Coral Reef Alliance The record long and severe 2020 Hurricane Season spawned two category 5 hurricanes just south of Jamaica, Hurricanes...
Biorock Arks save corals from bleaching when fragmented corals die of heat-stroke
Biorock Arks save corals from bleaching when fragmented corals die of heat-stroke October 30, 2021 Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance As Global Warming accelerates, corals are increasingly bleaching and dying from heatstroke. Biorock is the...
Biorock misattributed by The Economist “Ocean Reefs: Hybrid vigour” Sept 11 2021
The Economist, September 11 2021 TO: THE EDITOR OF THE ECONOMIST: The unidentified photograph in “Ocean reefs: Hybrid vigour” (Sept 11 2021) shows one of more than a thousand Biorock reefs in Indonesia and more than 50 islands built by the Global Coral Reef Alliance,...
Sir Arthur C. Clarke, the famous science fiction writer and proponent of satellites, space communication, and robotics, was a pioneering diver and marine explorer. Arthur C. Clarke wrote the first English book on Scuba diving, and strongly advocated Biorock...
The 2021 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report is out, and while a clear improvement in recognizing the urgency of future climate change, IPCC unfortunately continues to ignore the fact that coral reefs passed the bleaching tipping point in the...
Prime Movers Lab Webinar – Ocean Technology
Join me and Prime Movers Lab for a discussion about the future of ocean technology and sustainability, including the future of humans living on oceans on June 23 at 3PM EDT. Register at the link below.
Biorock reefs unaffected by severe bleaching events
Biorock reefs survive repeated severe bleaching undamaged. This one minute video made early in 2021 by Delphine Robbe of the Gili Eco Trust shows a Biorock reef around 17 years old which survived two severe bleaching events undamaged. The staghorn coral growing all...
UNESCO: Great Barrier Reef ‘in danger’ from global warming and pollution
UNESCO: Great Barrier Reef 'in danger' from global warming and pollution No surprise, the Australians were warned long ago what global warming and pollution were doing to the Great Barrier Reef, and chose to pretend it wasn’t happening. It has been only 71 years since...
Coral Ghosts premieres on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Documentary Channel this Sunday May 16th!
Coral Ghosts World Broadcast Premiere Sunday, May 16 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on documentary Channel Digital Media Site: Watch Coral Ghosts trailer: Download Photos & Press Kit:
Robert Kent Trench: In Memoriam
April 28, 2021 The Global Coral Reef Alliance announces with the greatest sadness the death this morning of Professor Robert Kent Trench, the world’s top expert on coral reef symbiosis, and a distinguished member of GCRA’s Board of Directors. We will soon post on the...
Global warming triggers coral reef bleaching tipping point
This article by GCRA's Goreau and Hayes, published in Ambio’s 50th Anniversary Collection on the theme of Climate change impacts presents the first retrospective on global coral bleaching since the publication of their pioneering 1994 Ambio paper on predicting coral...
Global Coral Reef Alliance 2020 Winter Solstice Report
Flattening the CO2 Curve to Save Corals Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance Large scale death of corals from high temperature, pollution, and disease accelerated in 2020 as a result of fossil fuel-subsidizing policies of the US,...
2020 Global Coral Reef Bleaching Patterns
2020 will be another record year for coral reef bleaching, but there will be almost no field documentation of its global extent and impacts because the Covid epidemic has put a near complete halt to diving. As usual, global news media reported bleaching only in the...
Biorock Reefs Bounce Back After Coral Bleaching: Gili Trawangan Video And Photos By Delphine Robbe
GCRA is proud to present video and photographs of Biorock reefs taken by in October 2020 by Delphine Robbe of the Gili Eco Trust, showing Lombok reefs that had fully recovered around six months after bleaching. They illustrate the unique resilience of Biorock reefs to...
Webinar: Natural Resources, Ecosystem Services and Sustainability
Dr Tom Goreau, president of Global Coral Reef Alliance, speaks in India Webinar on Natural Resources, Ecosystem Services and Sustainability on Friday Nov 20th, 2020. Registration required at
Recorded: Toronto Public Library broadcast about Coral Ghosts
The Live event has concluded: A recorded version of the event can be watched here: Coral Ghosts is a documentary directed by Andrew Nisker that combines six decades of underwater photography archived by Dr. Tom Goreau, a marine biologist with a family history of reef...
October 1 2020 Komang Astika & Tom Goreau Biorock Indonesia Pemuteran, Bali, Indonesia Corals growing on Biorock reefs in Indonesia that survived severe 2016 bleaching, and bleached again completely in 2020, have now fully recovered. Bleaching on Biorock was...
Entire Caribbean Sea about to bleach
Coral reefs all across the Caribbean Sea are now at mass bleaching temperatures. Coral mortality will depend on how hot it gets in the coming weeks and for how long. Below is the latest daily Coral Bleaching HotSpot map for the Caribbean (Goreau & Hayes, 1994)....
Are Orcas eating Mediterranean migrants?
“Rough Play or Bad Intentions? Orca Encounters Off Iberia Baffle Experts”, New York Times, September 20, 2020 reports that a well known school of Orcas (killer whales) whose resident range is around both sides of the Straits of Gibraltar, have suddenly started...
Legendary underwater photographer Jerry Greenberg has just died peacefully at 92
Larger than life, he dived to the end, with sheer pleasure: Jerry personally documented the Florida Keys reefs for 70 years. His incredible photos tell the entire story of...
Phil Dustan’s Greatest Coral Reef Videos: Introduced by Tom Goreau
Some of the best short documentaries about coral reef change ever made. By a 50 year veteran, Dr. Phil Dustan Phil Dustan joined our coral reef research team at the Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory in 1970, 50 years ago! He came to Jamaica do a PhD in coral reef...
Coral Bleaching HotSpot shows Arctic Ice Death Spiral
30 years ago we developed the HotSpot method of predicting coral bleaching caused by extreme heat waves, using satellite Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomalies mapped with regard to the average temperature in the hottest month historically (Goreau &...
Forests, fossil fuels, and coral reefs
The most massive trees and carbon biomass in the world are those in the rainforests of British Colombia, Canada, and some of these most important carbon stores are now slated for destruction in the name of “economic development”, read more in...
World Environment Day Webinar on Ecosystem Services and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Join GCRA”s Tom Goreau and an international team of scientists on Friday June 5 at 10:30AM EST at the World Environment Day Webinar on Ecosystem Services and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. To attend, please access Calma Expeditions on Facebook...
First Biorock projects in India
The first Biorock coral reef restoration projects have been started in India by a team from the Zoological Survey of India, with support from the Gujarat Forestry Department and the Global Coral Reef Alliance. The scientific team, led by...
Corals Are Our Future Festival in Indonesia, June & July 2020
In the celebration of World Reef Day, World Environment Day, World Ocean Day, and Coral Triangle Day, this time we are supporting Biorock Indonesia, in their event “Corals Are Our Future Festival”. This festival aims to support the Coral Reef Restoration in...
Covid Halts Dolphin Pollution in Discovery Bay, Jamaica
May 14, 2020 COVID Halts Dolphin Pollution In Discovery Bay, Jamaica Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance The Covid-19 virus is now helping clean up coastal water quality in Jamaica through a chain of unexpected indirect environmental...
Climate-proofing Coastlines with Biorock Technology
Climate Proofing Beaches and Coastlines with Biorock Technology Biorock Technology grows back severely eroded beaches at record rates by regenerating marine ecosystems and is the most cost-effective solution for protecting...